Did you, like me, just hear the opening music of the AC/DC track based on the title of this post? I sure did. I mean, epic or what? Such a silence-breaker, that one. And it was a play on me being back to blogging (no longer in the red...so basically in the black...?) Yeah, bad pun, right? Hence the hashtag...which has gotten drilled into me by my almost-13-yr-old Internet savvy kiddo. Actually, according to him, everything I say is a bad pun, so, I tend to hear "hashtag-bad-pun" a looooot when he's home with me. Which he has been - 2 full weeks of April break. We can't call it Easter break this year as Easter came and went before the first school trimester was out, so there you have it.
(I couldn't resist - sorry *grin*)
But yeah - back in the black... Apologies for being away, totally MIA, from blogging this past month, peeps. It all started with huge health worries - it was possible that I would've needed some elective surgery this month regarding the threat of cancer recurrence, so I was on tenterhooks all through March as that's when I would be meeting with my oncologist.
Turns out it was a false scare (all thanks and praise go to GOD for this!), but you can imagine the stress... I mean, it's surgery. No matter how small the procedure, you have to go under, be cut, have stitches, recovery time, and the most awful: that period where you just cannot get everything done by yourself, having to rely on others, your mind at 150% but your body and system just not following along at all... I also hate being away from my home (and my bed!) unless I am with my family at a resort or something, so having to spend even one night in the hospital? Nope!
So yes, the stress...and then I was in the hospital waiting rooms for 2 Mondays in a row (tests and then meeting the doctor to read the results) and wouldn't you know? I come out of there having caught the mother of all flu bugs! Seasons are changing here (summer going into fall) so this is the perfect prone time for viruses to lurk around and hit you when you least expect, and there I was, sick with the %$#@&* of all flu bugs! 2 bl**dy weeks it kept me down! Arghh! I was barely human and trying hard to just meet my work commitments (because life doesn't stop when you fall sick, sadly) and trying to be the woman of the house and getting stuff done (like food on the table, though my darling husband did offer to help and cook, too. God bless that man).
After that, barely recovered, April school break is here - aka 2 weeks of having the kids at home. And so they won't miss the Friday prayers (they're both grown boys now, almost young men), hubby takes both Fridays off (remember, that's the day I post). And best of all, he's like, "Let's make the most of the day off..." so off we find ourselves for 2 consecutive weekends away to a hotel in the north of the island.
Prior to this week, I had started to forget what my flat felt like, because it seemed we'd been away more than at home these past few weeks (we also go to my parents' a lot more during break weeks), so this is me now getting my bearings again...
...and here I am, back in the black. Well, I hope I am back in the black with you folks.
Oh, side note - if you're with me on Facebook, you will know that I was finally able this week to get my own domain name for the site! Yep, been the highlight of this past week and also a huge milestone in my career...so how about we celebrate that today? Mocktails on me!
Side note - I'll be making virgin pina coladas later today. Easy peasy - just dump one can of pineapple rings in the blender, one can of coconut milk, and about 10-12 ice cubes. Process until thick and fluffy. Pour in jug. Drink as is or place in fridge to chill even more. *smiles*
Happy Friday, ye all! Hope ye'll enjoy a lovely weekend! I, for one, will be glad to be staying perfectly inside my little flat, at home... (God willing, lol, because there's always something or the other happening in our world!
From Mauritius with love,
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