Friday, January 07, 2011

Progress Friday

Progress... Let's see...

My WIP counter is up to a staggering (to me at least, lol!) 31%. Soooo didn't expect that to be happening this week, what with the crazy lifestyle I'm forced to endure right now, what with dashing to the hospital for my current health regimen everyday. Thanks to the trusty phone, I am keeping my word count up, and managed to clock down a full chapter on the WIP, all while sitting in the waiting room. I'm staving off to write chapter 4 on the phone because it involves a lot of dialogue and it's kinda tricky to hit 2 menus to get quote marks which are necessary for dialogue. Kinda makes you lose the flow of the argument that is supposed to be taking place. Any new writing, at least to start Chapter 4, will have to be on the laptop. Hopefully, that's for this weekend. Next week my son starts school again (thank God!) and I will have more time on hand where I can really concentrate and get stuff done without requiring autopilot.

Now I'm a heavy plotter, but this WIP is the first time I'm writing per an already written synopsis. Not much room to wander, I admit - having a synop and an outline are two very different things. The way things are going, if I can keep things constant, sees me contemplating that this story will probably clock in to about 11 chapters total. This implies 3 down, 7 more to go.

Doable? Yes...

I know I usually keep this spot for my writing progress but inspired by Beth Ciotta's The Year Of Me project/blog, and the fact that Beth has gracefully listed me as a Co-Me on her page (thanks, girl!!), I'm gonna start stating the progress on other aspects of my life. A big goal for me this year is to lose the jelly belly. Started the journey towards that today, the active journey that is (I'm also eating better as per Chrononutrtion guidelines). Remember I had mentioned the Pilates for Abs workout a few weeks back? Put this to the tryout just a couple hours ago, and whoa! At some points, I was trembling all over, in parts I didn't know could tremble! Muscles were working overtime, especially in the Rollover move. I'm not that supple yet, I could only get my stomach to crunch in that one, but the way my back and arms were quivering! Unbelievable!

At the end of the workout, 1 hour later (I did do all the reps, except for the Mermaid With Twist one, where I only managed 4 on the left and 5 on the right. Really need to strengthen my arms). I was drenched and out of breath at the end, but once I got up and walked a bit, would you believe that 10 minutes later, I wasn't feeling tired at all? It actually felt like my body had cleansed itself and I felt lots lighter. I bet I won't be saying this tomorrow, when I wake up, but I loved the feeling just after working out. Gonna aim for doing this workout twice a week now. Hopefully I'll start seeing some tangible results soon. *smile*

Looking forward to a good weekend now. It's the last one of the kids' vacations, and thank goodness I've already done all the back to school shopping.

Hope you all have a great Saturday and Sunday (and Friday too, since for many of you it's still morning, innit?)

From Mauritius with love,



Erin Kern said...

you are always such a great inspiration, Z. good luck with the workout and have a great weekend!

Beth Ciotta said...

Sounds like you're making terrific progress on your WIP, Zee. Still intrigued by how you can write on a phone...

As for writing the manuscript after the synop.... I always end up veering away from the synopsis--at least in certain areas. I've been told that's not uncommon. My characters tend to take over and lead the way. :)

Congrats again on that one-hour Ab workout. That is flipping impressive!! I hurt just thinking about it. If you do end up conquering that routine twice a week, I bet you'll see results rather quickly. Go, Zee, go!

Trish said...

Zee, I am impressed by your energy and your goals. Especially with the constant clinic runs.

Which reminds me, I have a friend who is in treatment for Breast cancer and does an update post every Friday. She's been fighting the demon for a while, so I thought you might like her link- maybe she has some advice on handling treatments or things like that.

Zee Monodee said...

Thanks Erin! Have a great weekend too, girl. Looking forward to trying that workout again next week. :)

Zee Monodee said...

Lol Beth. I have a Nokia E63, qwerty keypad, exactly like a BlackBerry. Takes some getting used to the keypad but can do on most days, as long as your nails are short though (which is why I need the manicures more often now). The phone uses Word and I just swap between phone and laptop when I get home.
Characters - tell me about it! I kept the synopsis pretty 'vague' on purpose to allow for such leeways.

Believe me, yesterday I hurt so much I had trouble just doing anything that involved crunching my stomach! Didn't help that we went to my nephews' birthday party and my niece was behind me all the time to play badminton with her (she does Puss in Boots eyes verrryyy well!). Sigh. But yeah, I think the muscles are stronger, tighter too. :)

Zee Monodee said...

Thank you Trish! I'll definitely drop by your friend's blog. Thanks for the link. :) Hugs!