I'll admit I am puzzled half the time when my husband pays me a compliment. Why? Because his compliments come when I am least expecting them. For example, when I'm in sweats and the oldest T-shirt I own, without a hint of colour on my face. Or, when I'm wearing sneakers and not the peep-toe platform wedges that make me feel sexy as sin. And then I can be all dolled up to attend a wedding, and when he says I look 'nice', I can totally hear that he is saying that just to please me/he isn't any more affected than that by the look. And, he prefers me with glasses, not contacts.
So, based on that observation, it didn't come as a surprise to me when I stumbled upon this article. Yet, while we do know most men want a 'real' woman (yes, there are some out there not looking for the trophy wives, the Victoria's Secret Angels clones, the inflated airhead-y dolls), it never hurts to be reassured that what we sometimes see as down sides are actually pluses with our man.
I bet your heroine would love to know that too, and I'm sure your readers want to read about a woman 'just like them' who gets her HEA with the uber-handsome hero.
The article is taken from MSN Lifestyle, Love & Relationships section, and can be viewed in its original slideshow here. It's written by Meredith Turits.
14 So-Called Imperfections Women Obsess Over but Men Love
Step away from the mirror and stop agonizing over your alleged "imperfections." Why? Well, for one thing, you're gorgeous. And for another, the things you think are turn-offs are actually on guys' things-they-love-most-about-you list. Need proof? Read on!
by Meredith Turits
"My girlfriend has only one cheek dimple, which makes me love it even more."
—Philip, 24, New York City
—Philip, 24, New York City
"Stretch marks — especially on the hips … They're very personal and few men get to see them."
—Martin, 24, Boston
—Martin, 24, Boston
"I find the strands of gray in my girlfriend's long, dark hair sexy. Silver and black are sexy. So is experience."
—Sean, 37, Brooklyn, N.Y.
—Sean, 37, Brooklyn, N.Y.
"Crooked noses, Roman noses … I like 'em. They give the face some character, and for some reason, I think they make a girl look smarter."
—Lucas, 34, Lexington, Ky.
—Lucas, 34, Lexington, Ky.
"I like girls who don't have muscular arms. I like squeezing them…it's fun to play with and makes them cuter."
—Steve, 24, New Brunswick, N.J.
—Steve, 24, New Brunswick, N.J.
"I've found that girls tend to be sensitive regarding fat on their hips even though I find it attractive and fun to feel and grab."
—Jon, 25, San Francisco
—Jon, 25, San Francisco
"While there's nothing wrong with a flat stomach, there's something beautifully feminine about that slight curve below the belly button."
—Ken, 33, New York City
—Ken, 33, New York City
—Chris, 23, Baltimore
"I love to spoon with short girls because they fit much better as the little spoon."
—Corbett, 27, Lawrence, Kans.
—Corbett, 27, Lawrence, Kans.
"I like tall girls. Long legs and perfect alignment!"
—Nelson, 31, New York City
—Nelson, 31, New York City
"I like it when a woman wears glasses. It tells me she's confident enough to know she's beautiful."
—Brian, 30, Sacramento, Calif.
—Brian, 30, Sacramento, Calif.
"The last girl I dated had a kid and disliked the fact that she had no hips, her boobs were 'ruined' from breast-feeding and that she had stretch marks. She had great hips and breasts, and the stretch marks were never an issue. A lot of women think they have 'imperfections' but I don't see them like that."
—Michael, 28, Kansas City, Mo.
—Michael, 28, Kansas City, Mo.
"Cellulite. It's like rings on a tree stump or all those different hues you see when tipping a glass of really old red wine. I like it."
—Brian, 32, Brooklyn, N.Y.
—Brian, 32, Brooklyn, N.Y.
"I'm normally not [explicitly] attracted to love handles, though the other day I saw a woman with them, and I had to leave so as not to get too lusty-eyed. If I think a woman is attractive or sexy, then she has no imperfections as far as I'm concerned."
—Zach, 27, Seattle
—Zach, 27, Seattle
From Mauritius with love,
I wear glasses and contacts too. I'm married so long he never comments one way or the other. A number of years ago when we were going through a rough spot and were on holiday I thought I looked more than 'nice' When i mentioned that when we got home - "yes you did I meant to say something"
my response to the article - oh give me a break lol
I love this, Zee! I agree women can caught up with their perceived imperfections. Its interesting to read the male POV. Thanks for posting!
Great post, Zee...
Lol Sue! I've been married for ages too (it seems!) so much that my man hardly notices me (or so I think!). Many times, I have to point out something for him to notice... *sigh*
Thanks Sandra! I love these little glimpses into the male POV too. They make men sound less like aliens and more like creatures we can figure out :)
How you doing, girl? Long time no hear. XOXO
Thanks Sara! xoxo
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